BLOG 3 - The role of technology in my profession and life.

I believe that like anything else, technology has a good and bad side, and it's up to us to make a contribution and use it for the better. 

I think the most relevant thing for me (a geography student) is to be able to know with inmmediacy what is happening in the world and at different scales, things as basic as knowing the weather for the next week or the same GPS that we use everyday! so... i think technology has definitely boosted the discipline and other disciplines as well. For example... in the past, cartographies or maps had to be made by hand, today programs like ArcGIS make your life easier! (thanks technology 🧐).

I couldn't decide between the smartphone or maybe a musical instrument such as my electronic drum kit. First, the smartphone has so many functions that allow us to communicate, take pictures and videos, listen to music, watch movies, etc. so for me, it's very useful but... i'm not so much fan about social media. And well, having a e-drum i think... it's out of this world, to go from an instrument that for many people is very annoying (especially for the neighbors) is incredible that it's completely silent to play and that it reproduces perfectly the sounds as if it were an acoustic one.


  1. Imagine the fact that you need to do a map by many weeks it would take to do it... just horrible. thanks god we have internet

  2. I think it would still be nice to make a mapping by hand <3

  3. The e-drum is so cool, you must have so much ability to play it

  4. We can save a lot of time thanks to technology!

  5. powerful mapping by hand jajaj
    how cool the electric drums, I had a normal one but my parents got bored of my concerts hahahahahahahaha


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