BLOG 4 - My dream job

I've always had a thing for video cameras but personally, i don't like to record myself but the environment. I would love to have a job as a documentary filmmaker or something that allows me to travel and get to know different realities. I can imagine that it's a very sacrificing and dangerous job, but i would like to travel around the world and not only to the “nice” places but also where there are different conflicts and things like that. It's obviously a job that takes place outdoor but maybe the “editing part” of these videos (which takes a long time) can be done indoor but...i’m not complaining.

I really have no idea how much the salary would be, but it would be great to make a lot of money at it. I guess the most interesting thing about documenting something, is the recognition more than the money, but being able to transmit and inform about certain situations, cultures or places is great.

Now... not so seriously, i would LOVE to be able to work taking care of pandas in a conservation place or in a zoo or maybe… you -the person reading this- know about ASMR? im a little obsessed with it lately and i'll tell you there are people who make a lot of money being massaged and uploading these videos in youtube!!!! i think i would love to have that kind of job too.

(me in another dimension😵)


  1. I think that is better the job with pandas, is so cute the videos about this job. 😍😍

  2. Oww! I would love to take care of pandas now! what an experience

  3. It would be great to be a documentalist and be able to keep many memories. I love pandas <3

  4. I like asmr too! It's very popular nowadays, so it's no surprise that some people make a lot of money off it :o

  5. what interesting work, very unusual, I love it.

  6. THAT´S SO COOL!!!!! I hear about the job of take care of pandas before, but now that I see a video, I think I feel in love with this job too 🥰


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