
BLOG 6 - Postgraduates Studies.

Personally, i don’t think i would take a postgraduate programme, i’m just at a point where i don’t really know which path take so… right now i couldn’t decide. During the next year i should finish my degree so maybe in 2024 i could take a postgraduate programme. Looking at the FAU website (which is where i would like to take a postgraduate because i know the professors and their quality), the most interesting (for me) are “Geographic Information Systems” and “Management for Disaster Risk Reduction” or something like that. If i had the option to take them i don’t think i would do it inmediately after leaving college, i think i would wait a year to think about it and the main obstacle is the money. Both are above 1 million (CLP) but you can apply for scholarships and discounts but even so, i think i would choose to work from now on. I think the only way to keep supporting yourself is with the desire to keep learning and if this gives a boost to your work and your salary and it’s somethin

BLOG 5 - Academic challenges 2021

I think the biggest challenge was dealing with not having a space to study, i mean... i had to get used to the idea of studying and having classes in a place where i sleep and spend most of my time. At first, i didn't even have a desk! so... it was a difficult time until eventually i was able to buy it an then a chair. And well... having a completely slow notebook... ugh. I think i bought it more than a 7 years ago lol but it still works and has been my salvation (sometimes) in this online period. About home learning... i think it's dificult to learn from home but not impossible. I think the main obstacle to learning from home is depending 100% on the stability of the internet and distraction. I have VTR and it crashes every day :( i have already felt the terror of having to make a presentation just after the internet went down 😨.  Finally, what i have enjoyed the most is definitely getting up a little later than i normally do and with that, not having to take so much time on

BLOG 4 - My dream job

I've always had a thing for video cameras but personally, i don't like to record myself but the environment. I would love to have a job as a documentary filmmaker or something that allows me to travel and get to know different realities. I can imagine that it's a very sacrificing and dangerous job, but i would like to travel around the world and not only to the “nice” places but also where there are different conflicts and things like that. It's obviously a job that takes place outdoor but maybe the “editing part” of these videos (which takes a long time) can be done indoor but...i’m not complaining. I really have no idea how much the salary would be, but it would be great to make a lot of money at it. I guess the most interesting thing about documenting something, is the recognition more than the money, but being able to transmit and inform about certain situations, cultures or places is great. Now... not so seriously, i would LOVE to be able to work taking care of pan

BLOG 3 - The role of technology in my profession and life.

I believe that like anything else, technology has a good and bad side, and it's up to us to make a contribution and use it for the better.  I think the most relevant thing for me (a geography student) is to be able to know with inmmediacy what is happening in the world and at different scales, things as basic as knowing the weather for the next week or the same GPS that we use everyday! so... i think technology has definitely boosted the discipline and other disciplines as well. For example... in the past, cartographies or maps had to be made by hand, today programs like ArcGIS make your life easier! (thanks technology 🧐). I couldn't decide between the smartphone or maybe a musical instrument such as my electronic drum kit. First, the smartphone has so many functions that allow us to communicate, take pictures and videos, listen to music, watch movies, etc. so for me, it's very useful but... i'm not so much fan about social media. And well, having a e-drum i think... i

BLOG 2 - The best day ever

Maybe my story will be a little boring but when i think of good memories, the first thing that comes to my mind is my grandfather and spending time with him. A few years ago my grandfather wanted to reunited with his sister who hadn’t seen for a long time so... he, my parents and i took the car and went to Quintero (region of Valparaíso) to meet her as a surprise.  When we got there, she was not at home but a neighbor met us while she was coming. He showed us the place that was building, a kind of hostal because the place was beautiful and LITERALLY these houses are on the edge of the coast, certainly next to the sea (sorry for my photos :( it looks like i took the pictures with a potato but it really was many years ago). Well, after that my grandfather’s sister arrived we were at her “backyard” talking, laughing and eating… it was literally us, the sun and the infinite sea, it was a very beautiful scenery and that’s all… for sure the place is still beautiful. One random thing i reme

BLOG 1 - A country/place I would love visiting

Hawaii definitely! One of the most important reasons for visiting Hawaii is for the appearance of a paradise, the sound of waves, the sea, hiking around and specially for the tranquility because im a quiet-person so… would be perfect to me disconnect from the technology and well… i think Hawaii is perfect because its a “isolated” and beautiful place. It also has active and inactive volcanos that in my opinion are still interesting but im a little afraid of the level of destruction they can cause.  The first thing i would do is visit the island of Kauai which in my opinion has it all: flora and fauna, rivers, waterfalls, etc. Being there i would like to hiking and swim in the sea, get to know the culture and take pictures, although i dont know if i would enjoy the food as much, since i dont eat anything from the sea :( even so... i would love to go anyway. I learned about Hawaii just by reading on my own and searching online. One of the things that i recently saw is that the Kilauea vol